IRA and 401(k) Real Estate
Property Management
Employment Opportunities

If you own one or more properties, Investment Property Partnership has the expertise to align your portfolio to minimize tax consequences and maximize returns.

Investment Property Partnership will provide you with a free Broker's Opinion of Value and portfolio evaluation. This will establish the value of your property and provide a summary of options to increase your returns. If you own a commercial property or multiple investment properties, please contact us so we can get an accurate picture of your portfolio. Please fill out the easy to use form below to tell us about your property(ies). Please note your information will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used to help provide better real estate services. You will be contacted shortly... and thanks again.

Questions that will be answered in your portfolio planning session include:

* Can I achieve a higher return on my current properties?

* How will it effect my returns if I refinance my current properties?

* How will it effect my returns if I sell my current properties and move to a commercial property with commercial management?

* Is it beneficial to use a tax deferred exchange when selling my properties?

* Can I safely leverage into another property?

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